Meet Min Wang

Min WangYear: Graduate

Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2022

Major: International and Multicultural Education

Agency: REAP, Stanford University

Social issue: Rural Education

Location of service: Xi'an, China


  • What would you tell others who were thinking of applying for the Moellership program?
    • It is a great opportunity and experience to learn about leadership, service and how to make a difference with your talents and passion.
  • What are you looking forward to the most this summer?
    • Going back to the rural community where I grew up as a researcher and an observer.
  • What about this summer makes you nervous?
    • Nothing really
  • How did you first get involved with your service?
    • When I worked with the Youth Volunteer Organization during undergraduate years in China
  • Career goal(s)/post-graduation plans:
    • Working as a researcher on rural education in China
  • What is your proudest accomplishment?
    • P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Recipient
  • What is something you can't live without?
    • Independence and the ability to learn
  • What is something that you wish you could take with you on your trip and why?
    • I feel very ready and confident for the trip
  • Most inspirational thing in your life so far:
    • All the wonderful friends, teachers and mentors that have helped me grow and learn about the world
  • Top Values:
    • Compassion, autonomy, wisdom
  • Last Book Read: 
    • Child of the Moon