Oct. 11 commUNITY Dialogue to discuss Indigenous land rights
Join the Center for Leadership & Social Change on Oct. 11 for the second commUNITY Dialogue event of the semester, "A Blockage in the Pipeline: Indigenous Struggles against Carbon Colonialism."
Tyler McCreary, a professor in the FSU Department of Geography, will explore issues related to struggles against pipeline development led by Indigenous peoples across the continent.
"Indigenous mobilizations remain the focal point of resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline, and have helped block the development of the Keystone XL Pipeline in the USA and the Enbridge Northern Gateway in Canada," he said. "Indigenous pipeline resistance requires that we link environmental justice and struggles against colonialism."
"Mobilizing to defend the land on the basis of distinct governance traditions, Indigenous peoples press us to question the colonialism of the legal frameworks permitting pipeline development," McCreary added. "Indigenous movements are demanding that we interrogate our history and begin to reimagine the future of pipeline development, resource governance, and climate change."
McCreary's research examines how the history of colonialism shapes relations between Indigenous peoples and settler governance in North America. His current research examines Indigenous resistance to tar sands pipeline development in Western Canada. Expect stories and dialogue about issues of environmental justice and traditions of governance.
Through the commUNITY Dialogue Series, the center invites students to engage in dialogue with dynamic FSU faculty, staff, and community members. Topics for dialogue encompass identity, research, and current events. Each installment of the series runs from noon to 1:30 p.m. in DSC 2201/2202 and provides lunch.
Please RSVP here.