Get Involved

The Center for Leadership & Service transforms lives through leadership education, community engagement, and self-exploration, helping students develop skills and knowledge to become more effective leaders and engage responsibly with communities. 


The center offers a variety of ways to get involved that range from one-time events to multi-year commitments. How much time do you want to devote to new activities?

  • Schedule a leadership development or service-learning workshop for your organization.
  • Sign up for one of our many weekly EngageTLH trips to serve with local nonprofits.
Calendar displaying a single day
  • Stay overnight at FSU Lakefront Park to learn the basics of leadership theory at LOGIC.
  • Mentor local students and learn about Nobel Peace Laureates through  PeaceJam.
Calendar displaying multiple days
  • Spend university breaks serving across the Southeast through FSAB
  • Get an introduction to campus and the community while learning about community issues through Service Leadership Seminar.

 Involvement Services

Overwhelmed by all the options the center has to offer? Stay up-to-date with the latest opportunities by signing up for our weekly newsletter or meet with an advisor who can help find opportunities that match your interests. 

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