ServScript FAQ

Below is a listing of the ServScript Program's frequently asked questions. If you do not see your question listed below, or need more information, please email

How do I enter my hours into the ServScript program?

Each student must enter their own ServScript hours through their portal within Student Central. Please refer to our step-by-step guide for help using the ServScript entry form on myFSU. Students will be required to update their Service Profile once a semester before entering their hours.

Should I create individual ServScript entries each time I complete service?

If a student completes service with the same agency throughout the semester, they should add up the total hours completed and enter one record. Students can update existing records at any point within the same semester. If students would like to differentiate the service performed based on different tasks complete, then one entry is required per task. Each service entry a student submits will be printed to their official transcript, so please keep in mind that more cumulative/overall entries are preferred.

What are the deadlines?

The deadline each semester is the last day of the semester, the Friday of final exam week by 11:59 p.m. eastern time. Check the main page of ServScript for specific deadline dates for each semester.

Can I record hours that I completed with my student organization in ServScript?

Service completed with your student organization qualifies for the ServScript Program if you can identify the community need and specific agency served. The agency is the organization that is the benefactor of your service. The organization has identified a community need and it is their mission to alleviate and resolve the community need. You will have an opportunity to list your student organization in the entry process, however including a student organization is not required. If you have questions about your agency, please contact our office.

Can I log hours that I completed as part of an academic course requirement?

Yes! Students who are required to complete service hours as part of an academic course are encouraged to also submit these hours in ServScript. Those service hours will show up on the student’s official university transcript after each semester has ended and the ServScript audit has been completed. Connecting service hours to an academic course is optional, not required.

I missed the deadline! I didn't know about this program. Can I still have hours from previous semesters recorded on my transcript?

Unfortunately, no. Academic transcripts are permanent records, and the system is not designed for backdating. However, there are other options for documenting your acts of service. The Career Portfolio is a tool created by The Career Center to present your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to prospective employers, graduate schools, and other organizations. You can reflect on your experiences in a variety of areas, such as jobs/internships, courses, service/volunteer work, membership/activities, and other interests or life experiences. Click here to get started today!

Can I record hours from Dance Marathon?

Yes, Children's Miracle Network benefits from the funds raised at Dance Marathon, so you can list them as the agency. The activity, as well as fundraising, qualifies for the ServScript Program. The agency number for Children's Miracle Network is #264. Dance Marathon is the student organization that can be added to an entry if desired. The student organization number for Dance Marathon is #100.

Can I record hours from an activity with my place of worship or campus ministry?

If the activity addresses a community issue beyond participation in or recruitment toward a religious focus, the activity may qualify for the ServScript Program. The service activity should be secular in nature and have community reach outside of solely religious participants. Non-secular service that promotes, teaches or upholds a specific religion or belief system does not qualify. If you are uncertain if an activity addresses a community issue, please contact our office. Food or clothing drives and soup kitchens typically do qualify, if those services are in partnership with a non-secular agency (Ex: Feeding America, American Red Cross, or Salvation Army). In this case, the agency would be the non-profit organization and not the church or place of worship.

I privately tutor or mentor someone for free. Can I list this on ServScript?

A third-party verification source must be identified, and ideally it is not the individual(s) who directly benefited from the service. If you cannot easily identify a third-party supervisor, please contact our office. An example of a third-party verification would be an agency/organization or school.

Can I record hours that I volunteered with an FSU department?

Yes, as a not-for-profit institution, service, as defined by the ServScript program, to FSU departments and offices may apply; students and/or offices need to seek prior approval to ensure the FSU entity is prepared to serve as a service supervisor for students. To seek prior approval, please contact our office.

Can I record rehearsal or performance hours for an arts, dance, or musical event?

If the event has an educational or service purpose beyond pure entertainment, then the event would qualify for the ServScript Program.

Can I record planning and implementing hours for a cultural event?

If the event has an educational or service purpose beyond pure entertainment, then the event would qualify for the ServScript Program.

Can I record hours for making a donation?

No, the donation itself cannot be quantified as time. However, if you are planning or coordinating the donation drive or activity itself, those hours qualify for the ServScript Program.

Can I record hours for planning or implementing an appreciation event (i.e., appreciation breakfast)?

No. While acts of gratitude and appreciation are highly encouraged, they often seek to thank those who are especially deserving, rather than solve social problems.

Does a fundraising or philanthropy event qualify for the ServScript Program?

Yes, if all funds being raised will be donated to a not-for-profit agency or other beneficiary in need can be identified. Remember, hours should be counted based on the actual time spent. Counting one hour per dollar, letter, post, etc. is not allowed.

Does my participation in national service programs (AmeriCorps and/or VISTA) through projects such as City Year and other non-profits count as service for my Serve-Script?

AmeriCorps and other national service programs that offer a living allowance and/or Education Award as part of the service experience do not qualify for Serv-Script. Service hours performed outside of/in addition to AmeriCorps time and duties may count towards Serv-Script. To be sure, feel free to contact us to ask about your specific situation and the nature of your service work.

Does travel time to a service site qualify?

No, the travel time does not qualify for the ServScript Program unless specifically part of the service or involves reflections.

Does structured reflection time qualify for the ServScript Program?

Yes, we strongly encourage structured reflection; service opportunities can be greatly enhanced by pre-service education and post-service reflection. For resources, please go to the educational resources page of our website.

Do internships at for-profit agencies qualify?

Not typically, except in the cases where these for-profit agencies are working to resolve community needs. If you have questions about whether your internship at a for-profit agency qualifies for the ServScript Program, please contact us.

I submitted my hours to my professor or supervisor. Do these hours automatically get submitted to the ServScript Program?

No, you are responsible for entering your own hours to the ServScript Program. The deadline for entering hours is 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on the last day of the semester. You must enter your hours using the ServScript entry form on your myfsu student page.

How are students held accountable for the hours that they report?

Our office verifies the hours at the end of each semester through an auditing process. The process can take up to two business weeks, which is why you may see a delay in hours being officially posted to your transcripts. For questions regarding the ServScript audit, please contact our office.

What happens if my service hours are denied by ServScript Committee?

During the auditing process, service hours could be denied if they do not meet the qualifications of the ServScript program, if they cannot be confirmed by the third-party service supervisor, or if they are not submitted by the deadline. Students who have any hours denied will receive an email notifying them. Students may request an appeal if they disagree with the ServScript Committee's decision. To appeal a decision, click here. For more information, please email us at

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