The ServScript Program would like to provide some guidelines and examples of which types of service qualifies and does not qualify for the program. If the type of service you performed is not on this list, please send any questions you may have about whether it qualifies to for clarification.
Qualifying Activities:
- Contributes to the solution of an identified community need.
- Unpaid.
- Not Court or University ordered, mandated, or sanctioned.
- Serving in K through 12 schools (public or charter, but not religious schools).
- Service to hospitals, or nursing homes.
- On-campus service conducted for the benefit of the University.
- Non-partisan voter registration drives.
- Participating in advocacy work for/against a societal issue.
- Operation and coordination of a donation drive (of food, clothing, items, or funding).
- Planning/coordinating service projects for a student organization.
- Directing or creating films/documentaries, (if the subject is about a community need or social issue).
- Fundraising for a nonprofit agency/service organization involved in addressing/meeting a community need.
- Laboratory Work/Student Research if focused on a community need.
- Donating blood/plasma (maximum one hour per donation).
- Training for immediate application for service.
Non-Qualifying Activities:
- Received financial or material payment for the service.
- Service to an individual's own family and within family, including work at a family business or company.
- Service for a profit-making organization/business except for institutions like hospitals, or nursing homes.
- Observations/Job shadowing in a classroom, hospital, clinical setting, etc.
- Service performed as a result of a disciplinary action taken by an organization, the university, or the legal/court system.
- Religious Activities:
- Any activity for the purpose of promoting a preferred religious or political viewpoint or person.
- Religious devotion or any activity which can be interpreted as proselytizing.
- Service specifically for the benefit of a religious house of worship and/or its congregation (Example: childcare during church service, running AV equipment, Acolyte, altar server, lay reader, Vacation Bible School, clerical work for religious organizations, Sunday School teacher, etc.).
- Religious instruction concerning the practice of religion.
- Political/Partisan Efforts:
- Any political campaign or event that promotes a specific candidate, or political party.
- Leadership Roles within Student Organizations:
- Holding an Executive Board position within a Fraternity/Sorority, Recognized Student Organization, FSU Committee/Council (SGA, Honors, etc.).
- Attending FSU Organization meetings or programs, unless the program is service.
- Attendance at Leadership Trainings, National Conference Sessions, etc.
- Making donations (including Locks of Love, food, clothing items, money, etc.).
- Travel to and from the service location unless specifically part of the service or involved reflection.
- Scorekeeping for FSU sporting event.
- Working concessions at FSU sporting events.
- FSU Teacher’s Assistant/Office Hours.
- Awards/Appreciation Banquets.
- Serving as a Greek Life Recruitment Counselor/Rho Gamma.
Possible Qualifying Activities & Special Considerations:
There are some situations in which the nature or context of our activities can sometimes qualify as service, and sometimes not. Below are some common examples of activities that fall into a middle-zone of qualifying. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or would like clarification on if your activities can be logged in ServScript or not.
Service with Religious Groups
If your club, church, or civic organization conducts service for non-religious humanitarian purposes that meets the needs of others in the community (such as serving food to those experiencing food insecurity or provide disaster relief services) regardless of their faith beliefs, this can count as service. So long as religious education or promoting your specific religious beliefs is not part of the activity, you can do service WITH a religious group for the benefit of the general community.
Participating as a mentor in a formal/structured mentorships program that is coordinated by a third-party organizer in which you are assigned a mentee counts as service. Providing advice or informal mentorship to peers or friends, especially within your student organization does not count as service.
Unpaid internships can count as service so long as they are with a non-profit organization or are directly meeting the needs of the community. Internships with for-profit businesses or private companies can count only if the work you are performing is resulting in a pro-bono benefit to the community. Simply having an unpaid internship does not automatically count as service.
Tutoring other students, regardless of their level (K-12, college, continuing education, etc.) can count as service so long as it is part of a structured tutoring program such as the FSU ACE Tutoring Lab or a K-12 school. Helping your peer or friend to study does not count as tutoring or service. Tutoring in which you receive payment of any kind does not count as service.